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Style & Culture

Penny Riley

Wed Feb 27 2013 23:15:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

2010 Paris Motorshow.

Penny Riley

Sun Dec 02 2012 22:36:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

A top ten list of "car" songs. The results were based on my personal survey taken at the Big Bear Fun Run, a perennial classic car exhibition in Big Bear Lake, California. I wanted to include the proud owners of these great automobiles, but most declined to talk on camera. However, they did indulge me and my question of the day, "What was your favorite song written about a car?" I count down the top ten and throw in some honorable mentions as well. Great summer field trip and a great show!

Penny Riley

Sat Dec 01 2012 00:46:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The Cars were among the top bands of the early 1980s and have experienced somewhat of a resurgence. This memorable tune "Drive" is a perfect road tune!

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