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Sun Mar 17 2013 15:23:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The number one complaint about electric vehicles is the range. This infographic lists the average range of an EV at 60 miles, which I think is a little low at this point. But on average, do most people REALLY drive more than that in a day?

John Reed

Sun Mar 17 2013 18:21:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

I'm all for increasing the availability of charging stations, but this info-graphic seems a bit misleading. Where's vacation travel? Are they to have us believe the max trip anybody takes is 12 miles? That seems a bit optimistic... Furthermore, they say the states are ranked by number of charging stations per square mile, yet the graphics are not representative of this ratio. This says little to nothing about their distribution and accessibility. Are these the number of public charging stations, or private/public/research combined? Again, not to discredit the EV movement, I just don't like "fluffy" facts put together to try and make a point one way or another...

Eric Killorin

Sun Mar 17 2013 15:39:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

... a big limitation of these not-ready-for-primetime weenie mobiles. Talk about a short leash!

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