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WhiteWall Wendy

Fri Oct 11 2013 18:09:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Working at the Hot Wheels Design Studio is cool. Based at Mattel's headquarters, in El Segundo, CA - which is a bonus in and of itself for this Detroit-based writer - Hot Wheels is probably what every automotive designer thought automotive design would be like when they were seven years old.

It's one of those rare places where indulging in flights of fancy isn't just allowed, it's actively encouraged. Not to mention there's an awesome Hot Wheels racing track, which from the sounds of it, is home to some intense competition.

WhiteWall Wendy

Mon Jun 03 2013 19:56:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Custom Hot Wheels collection for sale: $1,000,000,000!!!!

Custom made "One-of-a-Kind" Hotwheels Cars Unique Collector's Collectible Items

Welcome to the “\Bad To The Bone Custom Machines” artist collection sale. This is the artists complete personal collection, each one a unique, one of a kind customized Hot Wheels, Johnny Lightning or Matchbox based car. The majority of the collection were produced between 1999 and 2001 with an average of 15 – 25 hours spent on each car. The artist is looking for a safe home for his collection where they will be cherished as much by the new owner as by himself.

The entire collection is being sold for $1,000,000.00 These have extreme sentimental value to the artist and you will be the only person in the “known Universe” to have the cars. There is 150+ cars to this collection and you will not be dissappointed.

These beauties have been cut, chopped, painted, sliced and diced to gorgeous eye popping heart pounding perfection. They are signed and dated on the bottom with the undersides left raw.

Only a few of the cars were designed to be non-rollers , and a couple of the creations have pull back motors.

These pieces were created to be admired not played with.

Please, only serious inquiries will be considered!

If you are serious, please let us know. phone 954.205.1143

WhiteWall Wendy

Mon Jun 03 2013 19:36:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

My vote for Dad of the YEAR goes to this guy who helped his kids build a 2,000 foot long powered Hot Wheels track that goes all over their 2 story house, through the back yard and out into the street. Incredible!

WhiteWall Wendy

Mon Jun 03 2013 19:47:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Jordon, Age 7 with his collection, his dad and brother are big Hot Wheels fans too!

WhiteWall Wendy

Mon Jun 03 2013 19:53:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

2013 hot wheels treasure hunt Ford Mustang GT concept (lot of 2) RARE ERROR!

2013 hot wheels treasure hunt Ford mustang GT concept (lot of 2) VERY RARE AND UNIQUE TREASURE HUNT ERROR!!!!

One of the cars is facing left compared to the standard right facing card.

This is your chance to own a very rare find.

Both cars are in very good condition with no worn edges or damaged bubbles

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