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Art & Photography

Eric Killorin

Fri Feb 22 2013 21:35:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

McKlein Rally 2013 - The Wider View
McKlein's famous rally calendar once again comes in its impressive 95 cm wide panoramic format and, in line with McKlein tradition, features the twenty-eight best pictures from the World Rally Championship. On top of that, the world's leading team of rally photographers have come up with something new. "McKlein Rally 2013 - The Wider View" compares the spectacular Fafe jump in Portugal in both 1984 and 2012, it offers you a glimpse into Volkswagen's secret workshop, and shows Rally Mexico with a miniaturising effect. For each month of the year, you can have a choice between two very different pictures which range from water splashes and powerslides to atmospheric images underlining the variety of the WRC events and locations. As a further bonus, in the accompanying text the McKlein photographers give an insight into the camera settings that they used to produce these stunning images.

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