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Mick Hannick

Thu Jan 31 2013 03:04:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Southern France's Millau Bridge is the tallest in the world -- taller, actually, than the Eiffel Tower.


Thu Jan 31 2013 21:36:38 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Designed by the French structural engineer Michel Virlogeux and British architect Norman Foster, it is the tallest bridge in the world with one mast's summit at 1,125 ft above the base of the structure. It is the 12th highest bridge deck in the world, being 890 ft between the road deck and the ground below. The viaduct is part of the A75-A71 autoroute axis from Paris to Montpellier. Construction cost was approximately €400 million.

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