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Mick Hannick

Wed Apr 03 2013 15:11:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The Trollstigen or ‘The Troll Ladder’ as it’s known in English, is a steep winding mountain road located in the Rauma region of Norway.

With it’s steep 9% gradient and incredible 11 hairpin bends, the Trollstigen is a popular tourist location for driving enthusiasts alike.

Drivers who manage to conquer the challenging road are rewarded with a viewing balcony at the top, offering spectacular views of the winding turns and the Stigfossen waterfall which also runs down the mountainside.

Sean Anthony

Wed Apr 03 2013 17:29:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

the road is peppered with red caution signs to warn of trolls crossing (true story)

John Reed

Wed Apr 03 2013 18:04:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

This road would be some great riding if it were always this empty... I'm not sure I would trust these corners with other (bad) drivers on the road

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