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The Old Motor

Fri Aug 16 2013 12:06:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The 1947 Studebaker – “First, By Far with a Postwar Car”: The banner on the wall reads “Tomorrow’s Car’s A Year in Advance” and the 1947 Studebakers sure looked different from anything Detroit had to offer that year. It’s easy to see how unconventional these cars appeared by comparing them to everything else parked on the street in the background of both photos. While Ford, GM and Chrysler were still selling rehashes of their 1941 models to a car hungry public, Studebaker’s new model drew a large and curious crowd to the J.M. Brown showroom in Vancouver, B.C., Canada on July 4, 1946. Learm more and see another photo @

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