Tue Apr 08 2014 20:23:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
This 5-minute film documents the opening of Henry Austin Clark Jr.'s Long Island Automotive Museum on August 27, 1948 and then progresses to a typical day at the museum in the early 1950s.
"The Long Island Automotive Museum was founded by the prominent automobile collector and writer Henry Austin Clark Jr. in 1948 in Southampton on Long Island. The museum featured many unique cars including the Thomas Flyer car that won the 1908 Paris-New York Race. In the 1950s, the museum employed Joe Tracy, who participated in the 1904-1906 Vanderbilt Cup Races. Sadly, the museum closed its doors in 1980 and the collection was sold off."
The film was provided from the archives of the Long Island Old Car Club by Walter McCarthy.
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Mon Mar 31 2014 15:54:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
1931 Dodge from the ground up-
"Dad gave me my 1931 Dodge Brothers business coupe in 1967 when I was 15 years old. It was in pieces. Dad bought it in 1959 from a guy in Michigan who had joined the Navy and was going to San Diego and could not take the car with him.
It was partially disassembled and sat in our garage until it was given to me. I put the car together and drove it to high school and all around southeastern Michigan. I started to restore the car and took it apart again. I then moved to California without the car and went back to Michigan to pick it up a couple of years later.
The engine was in my Dad’s basement in pieces when I left. Dad had sold the house and never picked the engine up. The owner of the house took the engine out behind the garage and buried it because he had no way to get it to the dump.
A while later the house went up for sale and the new owner helped me find and dig up my engine. Towed the car to California with my Dad and worked a bit on it there. I have since moved to Oregon and still have the car and am still working on it. It will be restored to original condition."
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Sun Mar 16 2014 02:08:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The Lighter Side of Owning a Ferrari
The life and times of a Ferrari mechanics wife By Kris Helms
"Let me start off by stating the fact that a “garage” is NOT a place to park your car, but a place where “problem” Ferraris reside while being sorted out, after the normal workday ends. In the early years of our marriage, there were many long, late evenings spent in the garage at home working on cars that presented problems, which required quiet quality time, away from the hustle bustle of the shop. My apprenticeship started by simply watching and holding a light while the diagnostics were preformed. Eventually my job progressed from light holder, to parts washer (with no increase in pay, as Dave convinced me that this was quality time together!). I was now getting an education in the workings of a Ferrari! Hands on at last!
This education led to actual employment. At the time, Dave was the GM of an independent Ferrari repair and restoration shop in Minneapolis. One must understand the job description of “GM” in a small shop. The duty list was all-inclusive, with everything from janitor to accountant; yet find the time to repair all of the cars in the shop. He needed help, and who better than his loyal apprentice (read, wife) to fill the position. The promise of a high paid career went completely out the window, and I soon found myself jealous of what our kids were making flipping burgers at the local McDonalds.
It was several weeks into my new job before I discovered that the large pile of post-it notes in Dave’s office actually had a desk beneath it! One of his customers worked for 3M, and was the world distributor for post-it notes, and each time his car was in, the trunk was full of a re supply of the darn things. He would carry a full pack in his pocket, and post the things were ever he happened to have an idea worth jotting down, latter asking, “where is that one note that I left on the alignment machine? RIGHT!
Soon I had the daunting task of organizing the office under control, and Dave was actually spending the better part of his day (and nights at times) doing what he does best, fixing Ferraris.
It was about this time that the owner of the shop, Dr. Bob Bodin, thought that I had so much extra time on my hands that he suggested that I organize a summers worth of FCA events, including concours shows, fun rallies and race track events. Now I too forgot what an 8-hour workday was all about. Those of you that have organized these events know exactly what I am talking about, as it takes untold hours of work before it comes together. Surely there had to be a salary raise in site, as I was not yet making enough money to be required to file a tax return!! Yet the promise of travel to far distant and exotic places kept being dangled in front of me. I just didn’t realize at the time that Dave and Bob meant racetracks all over the country! I have now seen them all, and even had the opportunity to drive Ferraris on a number of them. A very memorable track event was at the Monterey Historic Races held at Laguna Secca back in the mid 80’s. This time Bob’s wife came with us and the two of us did our best (at the begging of our husbands) to remain conservative on our shopping spree to Carmel. I don’t think to this day neither Bob nor Dave ever had a clue what kind of dent we put in the checkbook. This event was also memorable as it was the first time that I met Bob and Joan Donner, Peter Sachs, Tony and Lulu Wang and a host of many other wonderful folks. It was times like this that made all of the long hours a little less of a nail biting experience. BUT, where is my raise?
The Antarctic weather of Minnesota finally drove us to a move to Denver, and led to Dave’s employment at Ferrari of Denver in the mid 90’s. House shopping in Colorado proved to be the same as all of the houses in Minnesota we had, it was the size of the garage that determined if it was worth taking a look at. A house in Parker, with a good-sized barn met all of our requirements. BUT, why is it that my first garage that I can actually park a car in is the barn, and it is 100 yards from the house?!
In the end, the trip to Italy (remember the promise of far away and exotic places?) finally came, when Dave had to go to the factory for 360 Modena training.
It has now been 25 years that we have been associated with Ferraris’, and we have made an untold number of good friends that share our interest. Thanks to all of our friends that have made this journey such a wonderful time."
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Sun Jan 05 2014 18:13:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
2 young lads at a filling station in Connecticut circa 1966 the way to the Lime Rock sports car races in Morris Minor Wagon.
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Tue Oct 08 2013 15:31:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Russian Car club logo from 1972. The first club for vintage motor vehicle enthusiasts in the USSR, catering for the owners of vintage cars and motorcycles, the Antique Automobile Club of Latvian SSR (AAK=Античный автомобильного клуба) was founded in 1972. The aim of the AAK at that time was to locate, restore and maintain vintage motor vehicles and preserve them for future generations; the same mission as most car clubs today!
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Tue Oct 08 2013 21:39:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Mary Maxim Men's Cardigan knitting pattern for sizes 38 - 40 - 42 - 44. Choice of Raglan or set-in sleeves. Pattern is in good condition with a small amount of tearing at outer crease lines. Pattern is clean with no marks or notes from previous owner.
Patented 1957. $4.99
Fri May 10 2013 16:15:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
1916 Packard twin six exterior & interior views of car. Restored in 1927 by F.D. Harding. Source: Making of Modern Michigan :
Mon Mar 04 2013 16:36:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Hill & Vaughn Restoration advert circa 1985. Once owned by famous racer Phil Hill and Greg Vaughn in Santa Monica CA. This shop was known for "Pebble Beach" quality work and for setting the standard for 'nut and bolt' frame-off restorations.