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Parts & Accessories

Henry Bored

Wed Mar 06 2013 21:15:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Aftermarket horns provide a louder, and often more pleasant sound than stock horns. Stock horns typically have an output of 97 dB. The decibel scale is logarithmic and therefore the sound pressure doubles for every increase of 3.3 points, i.e. a horn with 118 dB produces approximately seven times the sound preasure as a stock horn. Hella Supertone Horn Kit. This horn is best on open interstates where you want to warn a truck that he is about to run into you.


Wed Mar 06 2013 21:25:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

I have a pair of these on my girlfriend's car and I can attest that they are LOUD!!! After I installed them I scared the crap out of my neighbors when I tested them out. There's nothing more satisfying than blowing these at some douche bag who's texting.

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