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Art & Photography

Dick Cookson

Tue Mar 19 2013 16:41:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Being a hospitalized kid sucks. Apart from the obvious physical issues, the mental issues such as boredom can keep sick children feeling very low indeed. Design team, Jetske Verdonk, have come up with this simple and fun solution to trailing a drip frame around all day.

The Zieken+Huis is a drip-cum-tricycle which allows the pint-size patient to zip around the ward whilst remaining attached to their vital fluids and intravenous medication. In addition to this three wheeling wonder, the release of a curtain frame which drapes around the patient's bed has also been launched.

Tue Mar 19 2013 17:13:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

What a great idea. Even simply joys like this can make one hell of a difference to those poor kids

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