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The Old Motor

Fri Aug 09 2013 13:52:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

This 1941 Chevy is getting a good going over on the lube rack at Dueck-Nicoll Motors located at 1305 West Broadway in Vancouver, B.C. While regular car maintenance is always important, it became critical during the war years when no one knew when civilian car production would resume. The owner of this coupé was quite fortunate to have purchased a car that was built in the year before the assembly lines shut down. He stood a much better chance of getting it through the crisis without any major repairs than others who had to nurse older models along.

Learn more and see another picture of the dealership @

Bavarian Joe

Fri Aug 09 2013 15:44:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Mechanics in neckties and dress shirts!

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