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Penny Riley

Mon Apr 15 2013 01:39:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The second of the three 300 SLs originally imported into Chile belonged to a German resident, Carlos Muhe. Muhe had achieved some modest success in racing and was allowed by the Chilean government to import a Gullwing. Unfortunately, he suffered an accident driving on a stretch of the Northern Panamerican highway and his car caught on fire. The whereabouts of the remains of this car are unknown to me. Muhe had the remains of the car shipped to Germany where it was totally rebuilt by the factory. Color was changed from white to silver, the car was subsequently sold. I believe it to be in Europe.

Euro Trash

Mon Apr 15 2013 01:50:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

And with Rudge knock offs. Where the heck does this shit wind up!?

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