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Canned Heat

Fri Oct 04 2013 16:46:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

I'm driving around the streets of Ramallah, Palestine, with Noor Dawood, the celebrated Palestinian street racer and the only female drifter in the Middle East. Noor is one of four members of the Speed Sisters, the first and only female racing team in the Middle East, who have brought international attention to the burgeoning Palestine street-racing scene, pissing off Muslim clerics and dismantling the caricature of Palestinian womanhood as they go. Click on image to view full story.

Don Hayes

Fri Oct 04 2013 17:04:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Just added this to Blackboard for my course on Modern Middle East history. Proof that the Muslim world is not a unified monolith but as diverse as the rest of the world.

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