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Thu Nov 07 2013 23:40:42 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Baby,You Can’t Drive My Car. Why does the auto industry get women so wrong?

An EXTREMELY well written article about car companies lame attempt to sell to women written by Libby Copeland.

" ....about 10 years ago, GM had 100 of its male employees attempt to get into a full-sized SUV while wearing heels, fake nails, and plastic bag skirts, and carrying purses and babies. Upon reaching the driver’s seat, one engineer had a revelation that has occurred to virtually every woman: “I thought, ‘Well, shoot, I would want my purse right at arm's reach.’ ” He wound up designing a console to store it."

Read the rest:

Heavy Haulin

Thu Nov 07 2013 23:51:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

You're gonna love this...

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